Feed times: 7am 11am 6.40pm
Solids:8am 12noon 5pm
Sleep times: 9.30am 1.30pm
bedtime 7pm
7am(same as before)
If your baby wakes before 7am, delay her milk feed until 7am as this will encourage your baby to sleep longer. Otherwise, wake your baby at 7am and give her a milk feed.
8am(same as before)
Give your baby breakfast.Feed your baby until she turns her head away. I recommend you give your baby two courses, one savoury, one sweet.
9.30am(half hour late)
Put your baby to bed awake and allow her to self-settle. This means without the help of you or a dummy.
11 am(same as before)
If your baby is not already awake, wake her up and feed her half the amount of milk she usually had on the solids to nine-month routine.
12noon(same as before)
Feed your baby two courses of solids, one savoury and one sweet.
1.30pm(half hour late)
Put your baby to bed for a sleep. when she wakes, give half her normal-sized milk feed. Do not let your baby sleep past 4.15
Feed your baby tow courses of solids, one savoury and one sweet.
6pm(same as before)
Bath your baby, or give top-to-toe wash
6.40pm(half hour late)
Give your baby her milk feed. Your baby needs to finish this feed at least ten minutes before bedtime.If this feed usually takes longer then start it earlier.
7pm(same as before)
Put your baby to bed fully awake and allow her to self-settle.